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Clinical simulation in obstretics


Author: Ana Matoz, ESEP

Simulation in the training of midwives emerges as a significant commitment to cultivate safety and proficiency in care for women in labour. Augmented virtual reality simulation provides a safe and controlled

environment for students to develop their skills, allowing them to gain a deep understanding of the processes involved in caring for women in labour before direct care. This view of learning coincides with the ethical principles of health education.

In this project, virtual reality provides a detailed view of the anatomical structures and the effects of the parturient’s positioning during the expulsive period, allowing students to explore strategies that respect a more physiological and safe birth process. This approach will contribute to the development of technical skills and the improvement of reasoned, safe and effective decision-making before real situations with the client targeted by care. In addition, it will also increase students' sensitivity to the importance of respecting women's autonomy during labour, contributing to a quality, respectful and woman-centred care practice.