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Introducing our partners in the project: ESEP


Author: Friederike Aulenbacher, KSH

We would like to tell you a bit more about our partners in this project and start with the School of Nursing of Porto (ESEP).


ESEP is a public higher education institution that provides excellent quality nursing and midwifery training, both nationally and internationally, and teaches content related to culture, science and technology through learning, education and research.

Its role in the project includes, on the one hand, contributing with its expertise in the field of midwifery and communicating with this related content in a didactically high-quality manner. Together with the partners from the katholische Stiftungshochschule (KSH) and the faculty of medicine at Masarykova Univerzita (MUNI MED), they therefore contribute valuable expertise to the design of the course. Through its good national and international network in the field of midwifery education, ESEP makes it possible to share the developed content of the course widely together with the other project partners and in this way draws attention to the importance of midwifery nursing. By implementing the course at all three midwifery schools in spring 2025, the students are confronted with realistic scenarios with the help of VR and AR technologies, whereby the respective skills for the future midwifery nursing are developed. 

In addition to the technical and pedagogical knowledge, ESEP is also responsible for the publication and dissemination of the project results at national and international level in work package 5 of the project. In addition to this project website, this also includes the presence on social media as well as a regular newsletter. News, progress and other topics relevant to the project are regularly published here. In parallel, the results of the project are presented at conferences and other events related to the topic midwifery nursing and VR/AR technologies, which attracts a broad and diverse audience of interested parties and cooperation partners. ESEP holds the strings together here and coordinates all with this related activities.