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number 437919 1280

Development learning concept and evaluation

This step aims to create a 16-hour practical learning course. We'll work with midwife educators to develop the content. Feedback from experts and a pilot study with students will refine the course and technology before the final validation with a larger student group in the next phase.

Partner expertise and pelvis tracking measurements will create an accurate 3D movement model.


number 437920 1280

Study phase and final adjustments

The main aim of this WP is to finalize and improve the practical course created. This course, scheduled for the summer semester of 2025, will run for 16 hours in KSH, MUNI MED, and ESEP simulation centres involving 45-60 midwifery students. FMUP and LMU will develop evaluation tools to gather feedback on course content, VR/AR tech usability, and learning outcomes.

Using this feedback, the course will be refined after the final study phase. The result will be a validated course and a handbook to help others replicate it in their local simulation centres.



number 437918 1280

Development of technology

This phase focuses on developing AR and VR technologies for training purposes. Both technologies simulate patients using a new 3D model that considers soft tissue movement based on patient position and limb/pelvis motion.

Partner expertise and pelvis tracking measurements will create an accurate 3D movement model.


number 437923 1280

Dissemination and handbook

This WP focuses on sharing project outcomes widely. All partners will create and publish a handbook containing the learning concept, materials, and project results to facilitate course replication. The aim is to ensure the project's sustainability beyond the funding period. Dissemination activities will employ various strategies to reach interested parties globally, both within and outside the partnership. A final virtual meeting will conclude the project, presenting results and the learning concept to a broad audience, following eco-friendly practices