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Second partner meeting in Porto

Author: Julia Schrader-Reichling, LMU

Date: 25.02.2025

At the beginning of February, we had our second face-to-face project meeting in Porto.

The first day of our meeting was held at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto and intended to discuss fundamental issues for the project, namely, the finalization of the study protocol, and the improvement of the developed application for the upcoming study phase with midwifery students this spring. We spent the day with intensive and constructive discussions regarding the exact implementation of the developed content and a standardized procedure at the three midwifery schools. Even the coffee breaks and lunchtime were used for discussions and to exchange ideas for the project’s progress.

In the evening, we enjoyed Portuguese specialties at a restaurant downtown and wrapped up the long, but very effective day.



The following day, we were welcomed by the team of Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto. There, we formed smaller groups to put theory into practice. We spent the morning with the VR glasses and were able to collaboratively develop and refine the scenarios for the students in VR. Furthermore, the knowledge questionnaire was finalized and the final tasks were assigned. Our meeting closed after lunch, which was accompanied by an amazing performance by the student music groups Tuna Académica and Tuna Feminina.

Groupphoto Porto