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Maternal Positioning During Childbirth: A Key Element of Maternity Care


Author: Dominika Králová

Childbirth is a complex process where the midwife plays an irreplaceable role as a guide for the expectant mother. With their expertise, empathy, and communication skills, the midwife is a key figure who helps the mother not only navigate the challenging moments but also facilitates the entire labor process.

One of the crucial aspects of a midwife's role is the correct positioning of the mother during labor. This technique can serve as an effective method of non-pharmacological pain relief and can also help accelerate both the first and second stages of labor. Proper positioning can also prevent obstetric complications such as asynclitism (misalignment of the baby's head), a persistent occiput posterior position, or stalled labor, which might otherwise result in the need for instrumental delivery or a cesarean section.

Correct positioning is, therefore, a vital skill that midwives regularly refine not only through theoretical education but also through hands-on practice in a clinical setting. Thanks to the PROGRESSION project, the training on positioning is becoming even more precise and effective. Midwives will be able to accurately observe how a specific position, combined with contractions, affects the baby's position and movement during childbirth, significantly increasing the chances of a safe and successful delivery.